Sunday 27 November 2011

21 IEP's

Before the start of my first placement, I called up my Associate Teacher to discuss the class I would be teaching in. We spoke of many things, but what stood out for me was the number 21. The number 21 was not the number of students in my class, there were going to be 31 students. 21 was the number of IEP's in my class. IEP means a student with and Individual Education Plan. I told a few of my fellow classmates that I would be teaching in a class with 21 IEP's they were all scared for me. I spoke with my mom who is a grade 4 teacher, and my step-father who is a retired principal..... they were also a little nervous for me..........
I was a little nervous myself.

I was barely able the sleep the night prior to the beginning of my first placement. I kept dreaming that I had 21 wild animals running around my classroom.

So I started my first day, sleep deprived and with a large lump in my throat.

At the end of the first day I had come to the realization that the number 21 meant absolutely nothing. If anything I should have spent more time thinking about the number 31. This is because I had 31 unique boys and girls all eager to learn and participate in their own way.  

Over the course of the 4 weeks that I was in teaching these students, I developed an deep appreciation for each and every one of them.  The IEP's were a bonus. They let me know that these students learn and act differently, than what society would determine the norm.  I however, considered there to be 31 IEP's in my classroom. Every student is an individual, and should thus be aloud and applauded for being such.

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