Tuesday 10 January 2012

pie chart - strings

Last week in math class, Professor Antosz demonstrated a way in which to present a pie graph to the class. The manner in which Professor Antosz presented it astounded me.
The class began with Professor Antosz handing out meter length tape measures to each table of students. It was your typical math class and I did not really give it much thought.
The next step was that Professor Antosz asked students who were dog people. A series of people put their hands up and they proceeded to the front of the class with 2 tape measures.
Then the good professor asked the students who were cat people? Another series of people walked up to the front of the class, again with 2 tape measures.
Finally, Professor Antosz asked the class "Who are bird people?" and a single student proceeded forward with 2 tape measures.
The students formed a circle around Professor Antosz. The students spaced out evenly based on their numbers. The members at ends of the groups held out their tape measures and Professor Antosz held the other end in the middle.
This was a phenomenal way in which to express the size of the pie slices in the pie chart.  Students who have a difficult time taking data and converting it into a pie chart now have a simple visual  way to represent it.

It had never occurred to me before to present a pie chart in this manner. I always had the most difficult time drawing pie charts.  Now I am able!

When I was teaching grade 7 and 8, the students would never choose to use a pie graph to represent their data. They struggled with separating the slices into the right proportions. I am looking forward to going back and showing them this great way to do a pie graph!

Looking back on this excellent idea, I started thinking about other ways to present other graphs. 
Bar graphs - having the number of students stand in a line. Then those students that are in the same group stand vertically beside them.
Histogram - same as above but the students are closer together, possibly interlocking arms!!!

Super COOL!!!

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