Wednesday 21 September 2011

Are all numbers really numbers?

Yesterday I was educated that not all numbers may actually be numbers.
For example, when you see the number 15 193 654  523. To me I see the salary of a professional basketball or baseball player.  However, what if I moved the same numbers slightly and added a few dashes: 1-519-365-4532.  Now what do you see? 
Following the same set of ideas, I give you the number 35 then add a couple words. Example, 35 Main Street. Is this a number?

Our understanding of numbers represents more than solely numbers. The example of 35 Main Street in my mind, paints the following picture.

Looking back on the previous entries my understanding of numbers has evolved.  Numbers have a phenomenal relationship with that of symbols.  The number 1-519-365-4532 is a symbol.Thus, when each digit is punched into a telephone I will be able to contact someone. Lets say my mom for example. That symbol now correlates to my mom.  So instead of me viewing a bundle of numbers, I see my mom.  Likewise, when I view '35 Main Street' I do not see numbers at all, instead I see my home!

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