Wednesday 14 September 2011

Finding math in science

In yesterdays class, Professor Antosz mentioned that we will notice that math pops up in almost every daily occurrence. For example, this morning in Science 80-327 we conducted a lab on the frequency of occurrence.  Though this was a science - field based experiment, the majority of the work involved mathematics.  Documenting the frequency of the occurrences, numerating the fraction of occurrences per trial and finding the percentage of occurrences.
I believe that I have taken for granted the amount of mathematics that I am fortunate enough to have engrained in me.  I have roughly a 1hour drive to the University each day. However, with the amount of congestion on Huron-Church, I need to give myself an extra 10-15 minutes. I check the time at home and with simple arithmetic, I am able to deduce what time I need to be on my way out the door.
These simple instances demonstrate a little how often math pops up. I am looking forward to noticing more of these occurrences. As well, I am excited to have the opportunity to teach J/I students the math concepts that help me in my day to day life.

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