Thursday 29 September 2011


As I went for a run today, I was thinking about the calories that I was burning. The screen on the treadmill listed that I was burning 1100 calories per hour.  I began contemplating what a calorie was? And if I am burning these calories, it would lead me to believe that I am a composition of thousands and thousands of calories. Therefore, in the end I am a huge number.

Reflecting back, I realise that the number of calories that I am burning reflect the energy I am expending.  The calories may mean fat, weight or even sweat.  But then again calories are found in all the food we eat. For example a piece of cheesecake may contain 500 calories, so the more cheesecake we eat would mean the more calories or numbers we put in our bodies.


It seems to me that though the human body is a composition of organs, skin, hair, water, bones etc. We may also look at it as a number.  This coincides with food. That cheesecake may be made up of flower, cheese, salt, sugar, cream and so on. However, another person may look at the cheesecake simply as a number of calories. This leads me to believe that human beings as well as food can be viewed solely as a number.

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