Wednesday 11 January 2012

1-million vs 999 thousand

I was thinking to myself the other day, would I rather have 1 million dollars or 999 thousand dollars?
It seems like an easy answer, does it not? Doesn't everyone want to be a millionaire? I know that the music group the Barenaked Ladies wanted to be millionaires. Their success with that one song alone more than likely propelled them to such extravagant earnings. But the real question here is would I want the distinction of being a millionaire.... or maybe just well off with 999 thousand dollars.

Upon further inspection the millionaire tittle alone would open more doors. Like mentioned above, I would be distinguished as a MILLIONAIRE. Not only would I be wealthy I would be rich..... I would be rolling in the dough! A millionaire would be the choice..... right? On the other hand, with 999 thousand dollars I would only be a thousand bucks short of a million. I would still be, figuratively rolling in the dough... but without the tittle of millionaire..... the decision might be hard to choose between. But it would be awesome to be the one too have to make the decision.

In the end, after great thought and reflection..... I would choose NOT to be a millionaire. I would rather have 999 thousand dollars. The reason being, the distinction of a millionaire would be too difficult to cope with. There would be far too many expectations. Everyone and their brother would be crawling out of the woodwork looking for a handout from the millionaire. It is not that I would not help out if I were a millionaire, heck if I had 999 thousand dollars, I would be more than generous and fruitful with my money. I just do not think that I could personally deal with the expectations that a person with a bank account with that many zeros has to deal with.
In the end I will chose to have 999 thousand dollars....... if someone wants to toss me another 1000 dollars...... I'll just keep it in a separate account.......  

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