Wednesday 11 January 2012

Time Flies

Holidays, holidays, holidays......
For some people, this is the most enjoyable time of the year. Visit with family, see friends, sleep in. When I think of the word holidays, the first word that comes to mind is usually relaxation!

I wrote my final exam on Thursday December 15th 2011. Today is January 11th 2012, exactly 28 days have gone by since that exam. It feels as though 2, maybe 3 days have past.
Over the course of the last 4 weeks, I've taught for 5 days, I've completed multiple assignments, I have been to Guelph and back. I have celebrated Christmas 4 times, New Years twice, worked at my old job 5 times and most importantly got married to the love of my life.  The wedding was on Friday January 6th, a week after school had already resumed at the wonderful University of Windsor..... did I mention that I am from Chatham and commute each and every day to school.

Time..... is a set amount of numbers that count down each and every day. There are 24 hours, 1440 minutes, and 86400 seconds. Ample amounts of time...... right? On Sunday evening, I am fortunate enough to be in a men's hockey league. As I got dressed for the game, the gentleman sitting beside me asked how my holidays had gone????? I had to laugh, "Holidays.... no such thing...... not enough time for holidays...." He told me that the older you get, the faster the time goes.
I thought about this for a little while. This can't be true can it. Can time speed up? If you consider 'day light savings time' well then yes time skips an hour. In reality time moves at the same pace it did years ago. The hour glass or sun dial work in the exact same efficient manner.
What I reflected on this I concluded that time does not actually move more quickly. We 'adults' take on more responsibility. We place more on our plates. We overload ourselves with deadlines and commitments that are in set time frames. The more events we have and experience the busier we are.  As a youth, I could find myself board..... at times. Which would lead to me misbehaving or worse, complaining. However..... today I find myself wishing that I had the opportunity to be board.
So, technically time doesn't actually fly.... but the older you get the faster it seems to go...
I can vividly remember as a child hearing my parents say "where did the time go?" I can now relate those sentiments.

1 comment:

  1. Time does speed up as you get older. That's because we think in quotients. If this doesn't make sense ask in class
