Wednesday 11 January 2012

superstition - numbers

Am I superstitious? I don't think so.... When it comes to walking under ladders, seeing black cats, or breaking mirrors... I definitely am not. I have done or seen each and everyone of those things multiple times.
Numbers on the other hand are an entirely different story.
The reason I believe that I am superstitious when it comes to numbers is because that I have been involved in competitive team sports my entire life. I have had various numbers throughout my career. If my memory serves me correct here are a list of the numbers that I have sported: 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 19, 21, 49, 55, 77.
There very well could be other numbers but those are the ones that stick in my mind.
Would I chose any other number than one of the listed above???? Sure, but I would prefer one from above.
Now the real question should be "Does the number make a difference?" The correct answer in my opinions is 'DEFINITELY"
I've done a lot of reflecting on this throughout my lifespan. The number one reason why the number on the back of the jersey plays a incredibly large impact on the player is CONFIDENCE. 
I can assure you that if you are in a slump in whatever sport you are playing... if you change up your number you will immediately have 1 of 2 outcomes.
1. You will play much better - You will thus stick with your new lucky number.
2. You will play much worse - You will go right back to your old number, be more comfortable and play better again.
The final verdict on number superstitions is that they are real..... they have been proven over and over thousands of times. Confidence or maybe coincidence helps a great deal with the belief of this superstition.

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