Wednesday 11 January 2012

Mean, Median, and Mode

In my placement I was fortunate enough to be able to teach my Grade 7/8 class central tendencies.
Some students, if not all had done a smaller unit on these central tendencies in prior grades.... however all the students had difficulties distinguishing between Mean, Median, and Mode.
A quick summary of what the Mean, Median, and Mode are....
Mean: -- Also known as the average.  The mean is found by adding up all of the given data and dividing by the number of data entries. 
Median:  -- The median is the middle number.  First you arrange the numbers in order from lowest to highest, then you find the middle number by crossing off the numbers until you reach the middle. 
Mode: -- this is the number that occurs most often.

After my first lesson, I was reflecting on how I could get these 3 key terms to stick with the students.... I knew them, but solely because I had used the three M's so many times over my 20year career as a student. 
It wasn't until the next day at recess, or now known as 'nutrition break' that I was given the answer. I was in the classroom with a student who was absent the previous day. He was a 'busy' 8th grader who enjoyed talking out and disrupting the class. I was conducting the previous days lesson. When I was discussing the central tendencies, I said Mode. The student blurted out "MO-MO" for no apparent reason.... I didn't react immediately.... instead I did my own personal quick reflection... seeing this as an opportunity rather than a time to reprimand. I finished the lesson and let the student go outside for the rest of the nutrition break.
I was teaching the 2nd lesson of central tendencies right after the break. I began by reviewing the 3 M's. On cue, almost like I had asked him to do it; when I said Mode, the student who was in with me at the break blurted out 'MO-MO' again. The entire class erupted in laughter.
I immediately thanked the young gentleman for helping the class learn a trick to remembering the Mode. I said Mo-Mo-Most..... Mo-Mo-Most often.... so the Mo-Mo is the number we see MOST often.
My very next question was what is MO-MO? Each and every student had their hand up.

Upon final reflection, I knew the trick worked!! I was very happy! The reason being on their final unit test that I gave the class, there were multiple questions relating to Mean, Median, and Mode. Almost everyone of my 31 students wrote down MO-MO when they were answering questions relating to the Mode!
Special thanks to Cole!

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